Many vignerons understand that birds can have an impact on their
crops but do you know just how much damage they can cause?
The 2003 study Bird Damage to the Wine Grape Industry found
that some unprotected crops commonly lost up to 45% through
bird damage with an average total loss per producer of 9.4%
(Tracey & Saunders, 2003)
Not only can birds wreak havoc through berry loss, but they can
also be responsible for secondary spoilage through moulds, yeast,
bacteria and insect damage. Bird damage has also been known
to result in unnecessary harvest and subsequent downgrading of
premium fruit. (Tracey & Saunders, 2003)
So, knowing all this, how can vignerons better protect themselves
from birds making themselves at home in their vineyard? Angie
from Bird Control Australia shares some of her top tips.
Angie says ‘The key to controlling birds in your vineyard is to put
as much pressure as you can on them. You want the pain and
consequence of visiting your vineyard to outweigh the desire of
birds feasting on your grapes.’ How do you do this? Attack as
many senses as you can.
‘We recommend using a combination of control methods to attack multiple senses of the birds,’ Angie explains. ‘We work with growers in all agricultural commodities to develop a custom solution that will deter birds and most importantly
protect their livelihood.’
Bird Control Australia is an Australian owned company and are the leaders
in providing the latest bird control technology in Australia. If you need help with a bird problem, get in touch and have a chat. Angie and the
team will work with you to develop a custom solution for your property and provide support when you need it.
All of the products stocked by Bird Control Australia use the latest technology to deter birds and are humane, meaning
that they do not harm the birds, other animals or humans. Angie says, ‘Some growers haven’t achieved their goals with
bird deterrents in the past so are hesitant to give it another go. Products have evolved so much in recent times and we
stock everything from the Bird Control Hawk Laser to ultrasonic and sonic devices such as the Broadband Pro, Bird Xpeller Pro and Megablaster Pro, visual deterrents and physical barriers. Our goal is for the
grower to always stay one step ahead of the birds.’
The key to managing birds on your property is to make it as unwelcome as possible.
In conjunction with bird deterrents, another great way to keep birds away is keeping buildings on your property nice and clean. Angie explains, ‘Once a bird makes a building on your property its home they will keep coming back because it smells familiar. A great cheap way to evict them is to clean up using some household bleach and even leaving some residue. The bleach will change the smell of the building and the birds will be put off and look to nest elsewhere.’
Hawk Laser Mega Blaster Pro