Bird Control Australia is now stocking a fantastic, new, bird deterrent on the market. It is so brilliant, the birds simply never return!
Shock Tape comes in a kit which contains transparent, adhesive tape with embedded aluminium strips, an Australian approved energiser and connectors.
The Shock Tape plugs in to 240 volt.
When unsuspecting pest birds land on the tape, it closes the circuit and WHOOSH! the nuisance bird receives a light electric shock.
The Shock is not enough to be harmful but scary enough for it never to want to return again. It simply puts an end to your bird problems.
We decided to give Shock Tape a trial run prior to committing to stocking it.
A lovely pair of kookaburras were visiting on a daily basis but there were also some pest Myna birds beginning to frequent our lovely balcony.
We initially had the Shock Tape installed with the power off. The first part of our trial was to see how easy it was to apply and it was indeed a breeze!
My husband then spotted the kookaburras across the way looking over as they always did prior to coming over to say hello.
“Let’s turn on the Shock Tape and see what happens! “ he said.
Reluctantly I flicked the switch on and watched the beautiful kookaburras fly in together. One of them barely touched the railing and flew straight back up and away with his companion in tow!
Never have I ever seen a bird scarer work quite so instantly!
The next day I was feeling curious about how strong the current from the Shock Tape felt to touch. I decided to touch the tape with the power on. (don’t try this at home). My gosh, did I get a shock! I screamed and ran straight for the cold water tap. Glad to report there was no damage done, just an awful sensation which lingered for around 60 seconds.
Shock Tape can be adhered to roofs, railings and just about any surface that tape would adhere to including stone, marble or wood.
Do ensure you don’t place it in areas that are within easy reach or frequently touched.
Sad to report our kookaburras never returned but the good news is, neither have the noisy myna birds!