Hotel accomodation and resorts are not only appealing to guests of the human kind, birds love to take up residence there too.
This industry deals with large areas so using Bird Spikes alone is often ineffective as the birds just move from one area to another. This just leads to expensive and poor outcomes. The key to success is to use a Bird Control Management Program. This program needs to be well thought out as patrons’ comfort and hotel aesthetics are to be considered as high priority.
Bird Control Australia routinely work closely with different hotel and resort complexes both in Australia and Asia Pacific.
We find that using the Broadband Pro in combination with visual deterrents such as the Flock Reflectors or Scarybird Kite work extremely well.
The Broadband Pro uses both sonic and ultrasonic sounds which are barely noticeable because the ultrasonics are a high frequency sound. This sound is slightly above most human’s hearing range and the sonic sounds of bird distress calls and predator calls sound like natural bird chirping sounds.
One of our hotel manager customers in Victoria was delighted to report back that not only was the Broadband Pro very effective but was a hit at the recent Wildlife Convention that was held on the premises. Members of the convention enjoyed hearing the sounds of the Peregrine Falcon which they thought was actually present at the hotel!
The Scarybird Kite comes with a retractable Pole and hangs from a clear string. Being so lightweight, a gentle breeze is all it takes to pick up the kite bird, making it swoop and hover. It is a joy to watch but ever so scary to the pest birds.
Hotel Managers, Facility Managers and Maintenance staff are welcome to contact our team at Bird Control Australia to obtain an obligation free assessment and proposal for their Bird Control Maintenance Strategy.
You no longer need to put up with destructive, pest birds!