Welcome to the age of modern Bird Control Technologies!
Today we introduce yet another innovative, eco friendly and humane Bird deterrent which is also affordable and highly effective!
Bird Free Optical Gel is a multi sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch and can be used indoors and outdoors.
SIGHT– Dishes appear to be extremely detrimental to their safety (akin to fire) and they immediately avoid the area.
SMELL– Although humans perceive the smell of citronella and peppermint as pleasant, birds just cannot tolerate it.
TOUCH– The sticky gel substance is terrible to touch so they avoid it at all costs!
INSTALLATION– Easy! Just remove the covers from the dishes and stick down with adhesive or double sided tape to affected areas. Optical Bird Gel can be used on ledges, signs, balconies, beams, soffits, skylights, enclosed spaces, air conditioning units, rooftops and more.
-Very discreet, low profile and only 2.5 inches wide.
-Works on all bird species
-Safe for the environment
-Long lasting (4 years plus) Many installations in the UK and Europe are still effectively working after 9 years!
Bird Free Optical Gel can be used in conjunction with any Bird Control System and is in stock now!